Legacy Cleaning

Opening hours

Mon-Fri 8:00 – 18:00
Sat-Sun – Closed

+1 (403) 715-5362

Call for 24/7 Emergency Service!

+1 (403) 715-5362

Frequently Asked Questions
Is a long-term contract required for service?

Absolutely not. Our services are provided as needed to suit your busy lifestyle. There are no long-term contracts or obligations required.

Are you bonded and insured?

Yes. Legacy Cleaning Lethbridge is fully bonded and insured to protect your home or business and to give you peace of mind you need to feel confident in our professional cleaning services.

What towns do you service?

We provide cleaning services for Lethbridge and surrounding areas.

What is Green Cleaning?

Green cleaning refers to using cleaning methods and products with environmentally friendly ingredients and procedures which are designed to preserve human health and environmental quality.

Do I need to provide you with cleaning supplies?

No. You are not required to provide Legacy Cleaning Lethbridge with cleaning products or equipment. Our team has professional grade tools and cleaning supplies to make sure that our service is effective.

Can I skip or reschedule an appointment?

Yes. If you anticipate needing to change an appointment time, ideally, we would like a minimum of 24 hours in advance. We’ll move your visit to another, more convenient time or if you wish, cancel it all together.

What if I am not satisfied with my cleaning?

Your complete satisfaction is very important to us. That is why we offer a 24-hour guarantee. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your home cleaning, just simply give us a call within 24 hours of your cleaning and we will return to re-clean the area you are dissatisfied with, at no cost to you.

Do you send the same person every time?

We try to because continuity makes for more consistent service. However, sometimes life gets in the way. If the cleaner(s) that typically works on your property isn’t available, another member of our fully licensed and bonded team will arrive at the agreed-upon time and provide the same high level of service you have come to expect.

Do you conduct background checks on your employees?

Yes, we do. We need to be confident in our employees’ ability to represent Legacy Cleaning Lethbridge Cleaning name, which is why we are very careful when selecting candidates.

How often do you clean?

We will clean as often is needed, which may mean daily, weekly, monthly or just once.

Does someone need to be at the business for you to clean?

No, we can clean during whatever time you prefer, during business or after hours.

Can you clean after special events?

Yes, we can. Please call in advance to schedule a special cleaning, so we are prepared to fully accommodate you.

What are your payment option?

We accept the following credit cards: MasterCard, Visa, and American Express. For your convenience, you can now pay with a credit card. We bill on a monthly cycle and invoice through email or mail.

Do I pay for an estimate?

No, we do not charge for estimates. If you are interested in cleaning services for your business or home, please call us to set up an appointment. One of our cleaning supervisors will come to your home or office to perform a free assessment.

Who is your insurance provider?

Northbridge Insurance. We are happy to have them send you proof of insurance.